Waterford Today - 11th June 2008
The Department of Education and Science has commended the teachers, parents and pupils of a small, county Waterford school for fund-raising for hi-tech classroom tools which have made learning easier and more fun.
It makes it one of the most technologically advanced schools in the country.
The Department openly commended the use of interactive white boards in Irish classrooms, endorsing independent research which shows the hi-tech tool helps boost pupil concentration levels and makes learning fun.
A Department report Aglish National School commends its principal, staff, board and parents who fund-raised to install interactive white boards in all of its classrooms. It adds that the use of the board left children more motivated, interested and stimulated than a traditional, chalk board.
The report backs up independent research carried out by Wexford-based company, Prim-Ed Publishing, which shows its hi-tech, Promethean whiteboards stimulate pupils far more than traditional black-boards.
The Whole School Evaluation report on Aglish National School in county Waterford says integrating such technology in the classroom not only boosts pupil participation but brings subjects such as Irish to life. Prim Ed's interactive white boards are also a massive boost in a multi-class situation, the report adds.
"Teachers' success in ensuring pupil interest and participation in lessons is due to the stimulating methodologies employed by the staff and the highly commendable use made of resources, including, in particular, the computerised interactive whiteboards," the Inspector's report into the school says.
"In addition, the teachers are working with laudable dedication on placing as many resources as possible on to computer hard disc and thus having material available instantly for the whole class, when required, on the interactive whiteboard," the report continues.
"Motivation and interest are maintained by means of stimulating methodologies that emphasise the key curricular principles of active learning, environment-based learning, differentiation and integration of knowledge. In addition, pupils' attention is maintained through the very effective use made of resources," the report stresses.
Ronan Culloo of Aglish NS in Cappoquin, county Waterford, said they are thrilled with their board and with Prim-Ed's service. "These are the greatest and best teaching aid and learning support which has come on the market. The children have really taken enthusiastically to being taught with the interactive board. Their attention is greater and they enjoy interacting with the board."
Prim-Ed's Publishing's managing director, Seamus McGuinness, said teaching young children using Prim-Ed's interactive white boards has never been so engaging and exciting. "When Prim-Ed's white boards are used, all eyes are to the front. Younger children learn to read and write with fairy tale and nursery rhyme characters and scenery. They can develop storyboards which encourage discussion and debate.
"Maths is brought to life using dices, coins, grids and graphs. History is brought to life before your eyes. One of the most exciting elements of our Activprimary teaching solution for teachers and pupils is the attention grabbing and time saving resource library that helps teachers to create dynamic lessons across the National Curriculum," Mr McGuinness added.